Chique Makeovers & Photography Limited (“Chique”), along with two of its directors, was sentenced at Hull Crown Court on 22 July 2022 for two offences contrary to regulations 2, 8, and 15 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

Chique, Mark Earnshaw, and Lauren Crainer were convicted of engaging in unfair commercial practices. Chique’s business model operated by luring customers in on the pretext that they had “won” a free photoshoot and then, once customers were on site, by applying significant pressure and undue influence in order to get customers to purchase photographs, before then signing them up to unregulated credit agreements that could not be cancelled.

In her sentencing remarks, HHJ McKone observed that Chique’s business model had required careful planning and involved manipulating victims’ feelings and circumstances. She imposed financial orders on the defendants totalling over £80,000, including £35,000 in fines and £16,495.27 in victim compensation.

Robin Kingham prosecuted on behalf of National Trading Standards.

Press coverage available here